The ROCC is an informal assessment that creates a visual profile of communication development for those who have communication challenges and is relevant for all forms of communication – speech, sign and aided AAC (augmentative and alternative communication). It can be used for all ages and all diagnoses.
The ROCC acts like a roadmap to create a shared understanding for teams around 10 key domains of communication. You can use the ROCC to track progress of your client, student or person across time, or you can use it to compare the scores for different scenarios (e.g. with current system -vs- potential with proposed system).
You can also use the ROCC to collate data for all of your students or clients, or for groups you can create yourself. (e.g. class groups, caseload groups, sites, ages, etc).
The ROCC can be used to assist educators or providers to create goals and objectives for achievable next steps along the continuum towards communicative competence at an individual, group or whole site level.