Find your way with the ROCC!
The Roadmap of
Communicative Competence
A rubric tool to assess, plan and evaluate communication outcomes
What is the ROCC assessment?
The ROCC is a tool to identify, plan and implement communication change within your setting. Track an individual’s progress over time as they move along a continuum towards communicative competence. Simple data tracks outcomes so that you can see that your hard work is making a difference and know where to focus your efforts. The ROCC measures progress in smaller increments and achievable goals.
The ROCC scores produce an individual profile graph by taking a deeper look into the 10 key goal areas that contribute to communicative competence for those who use AAC, speech or sign. In the process of scoring, you will increase your knowledge about the individual’s current communication, and detailed descriptors give guidance toward next steps and goal setting.
The ROCC creates a shared understanding of the components and steps toward communicative competence.
To read a more detailed presentation please download this document outlining the Purpose of the ROCC - an assessment & Data Collection Tool [1MB, PDF]. Includes outcome measurements, data reports and sample graphs.
Who is the ROCC for?
The ROCC is for teachers and service providers who support individuals with communication challenges in their class or practice. You can assess people of all ages, diagnoses and modes of communication - speech, sign and aided forms of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Scores include all levels of communicative competence - from early emergent to competent and independent.

- Planning, handover, goal setting and report writing made easy.
- Collate data to plan and measure class and whole school outcomes.
- Generate data graphs to prioritise funding, plan training, or allocate resources
- ROCC assessment suits all students with communication challenges - autism, intellectual disability, physical disability and developmental delay.
Speech Pathologists

- Track progress and outcomes with graphs for reporting.
- Plan next steps and set goals
- Create data graphs for NDIS reports
- Talk to families about their child’s communication with a shared reference point.
- Analyse caseload trends

- Understand all aspects of your child’s communication
- Share clear and easy to understand information with service providers
- Get all of your team on the same page
- Track your child’s progress over time.
- Subscription options for families are available soon.

- Use ROCC profiles and group data to support your clients’ communication
- Collect clear data to inform funding decisions.
- Target your staff training to key areas of need
- Use ROCC to describe research participants more comprehensively
About ROCC Training Workshops
We want the ROCC to give you the right information and real outcomes. For best outcomes, ROCC users should be trained. Only trained users can create and view the graphs.
ROCC basic training (3-4 hours online)
An introduction to the ROCC and detailed learning around all levels within the 10 scoring domains.
During the training, participants will create a ROCC profile for a selected individual. Interactive discussion is encouraged to ensure learning across a wide range of communicators.
The workshop also provides an overview of the ROCC online and demonstration of group data graphs.
Individual and bulk buy rates available for online training.
Other bespoke or organisation specific training options available.
Click here to request face to face or webinar training specific to your organisation.

Online training now available
3 hour basic training delivered in an online course format
Learn at your own pace and in your own time
(Discounts for group purchase)
Other related training options coming soon
“All staff are extremely excited about your tool and continually commented on how practical, informative and appropriate it is”. Michelle, Deputy Principal, Adelaide West Special Education Centre
“We have just finished printing out the ROCC data and I am so pleased with the data. The information and structured planning is fantastic. It is most excited I have ever been about data. I really love what I am seeing here and I am looking forward to the positive impact this will have on our planning.” ~ Cale, Principal, College Row School, W.A